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ЛУЧШИЕ ИНСТРУМЕНТЫ ИЗ КИТАЯ 1 — www.youtube.com/watch?v=ThWBlSfdENc
ЛУЧШИЕ ИНСТРУМЕНТЫ ИЗ КИТАЯ 2 — www.youtube.com/watch?v=2grWODNp4ag
ЛУЧШИЕ ИНСТРУМЕНТЫ ИЗ КИТАЯ 4 — www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvRcw-Ws0zk
ЛУЧШИЕ ИНСТРУМЕНТЫ ИЗ КИТАЯ 5 — www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mkkq2NFJMVQ
ЛУЧШИЕ ИНСТРУМЕНТЫ ИЗ КИТАЯ 6 — www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCCZBcmEp6I
ЛУЧШИЕ ТОВАРЫ ДЛЯ ПК и ТВ ИЗ КИТАЯ 1 — www.youtube.com/watch?v=78Ij2JF1VFk
КРУТЫЕ ТОВАРЫ ИЗ КИТАЯ ДЛЯ СМАРТФОНА 1 – www.youtube.com/watch?v=VvmGfNhgl2c
АВТОТОВАРЫ ИЗ КИТАЯ 1 – www.youtube.com/watch?v=zisPF1Jr0LY
АВТОТОВАРЫ ИЗ КИТАЯ 2 — www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lh6r2JHZMbg
10 ТОВАРОВ ДЛЯ ВЫЖИВАНИЯ 1 — www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wg8-CXfoLFM
КРУТЫЕ ТОВАРЫ ИЗ КИТАЯ ДЛЯ СМАРТФОНА №2 — www.youtube.com/watch?v=0qZPoX-Szzc
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Defqwop — Heart Afire (feat. Strix) [NCS Release]



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Instagram: www.instagram.com/vanzai_live/

Тайна девушки без тела (полный выпуск) | Говорить Україна

Тайна девушки без тела (полный выпуск) | Говорить Україна

Тонкие черты лица, темные глаза, вьющиеся волосы — это Алена. С виду она — настоящая красотка, но вы еще не видели ее тела.

⚫Как Быстро ЗАШПАКЛЕВАТЬ весь ДОМ Легко и Просто? КАК построить Дешевый Дом? ►21

⚫Как Быстро ЗАШПАКЛЕВАТЬ весь ДОМ Легко и Просто? КАК построить Дешевый Дом? ►21

Как шпаклевать стены и потолок своими руками?
Купить шпатель «Олейник» можно здесь: olejnik.com.ua/my_galaxy
В этом видео подробно о шпаклевке по газоблоку и по гипсокартонным стенам.
Вас приветствует канал MY GALAXY жизнь своими руками.
Это серия видеороликов о строительстве недорогого дома из газобетона. В ней мы подробно на своем опыте показываем все строительные этапы от закладки фундамента и возведения стен до инженерных и отделочных работ.
Всем ОГРОМНОЕ СПАСИБО за помощь в развитии канала, за то что делитесь нашими роликами, ставите лайки и пишите комментарии. Ваша благородная помощь помогает нам делать видео лучше.

Plasma Cutter PARKSIDE PPS 40 B2 (149€) - Unboxing and Test

Plasma Cutter PARKSIDE PPS 40 B2 (149€) — Unboxing and Test

Subscribe to this new channel: www.youtube.com/channel/UC1ycLijbbz1xgnxJCO1ipug
Unboxing and testing the cheapest plasma cutter I can afford in my ASMR style video. Bought it in LIDL(Slovenia) for 149€. It's suprisingly good… for the money. All you need is an air compressor and you're set to go. LIDL's plasma cutter will easily cut steel to 6 or maybe 8 mm, thicker than that I wouldn't recommend. I also tested cutting aluminum, brass and stainless steel(INOX). Enjoy!



Taken from the new album 'MANIFEST', out now! www.nuclearblast.com/amaranthe-manifest Subscribe to NUCLEAR BLAST: nblast.de/NBytb / Subscribe to AMARANTHE: nblast.de/Amaranthe.
Nuclear Blast: nblast.de/Amaranthe-Manifest
iTunes: nblast.de/Amaranthe-ManifestIT
Apple Music: nblast.de/Amaranthe-ManifestAM
Amazon: nblast.de/Amaranthe-ManifestAMZ
Google Play: nblast.de/Amaranthe-ManifestGP
Elize Ryd
Olof Mörck
Henrik Englund Wilhelmsson
Nils Molin
Johan Andreassen
Morten Løwe Sørensen
And Viktor Kjellén as «the Fan»
Director: Marcus Overbeck
Director of photography: Johan Carlén
Script/ Storyboard: Marcus Overbeck, Johan Carlén
Production Manager: Linda Hante Engström
Production Assistant: Jan-Ole Lamberti
Gaffer: Robert Pettersson
Lighting Assistant: Elin Göransson
Projection Mapping: Lumicious Light Projection Labs
Backdrop, Textile prints: All your Band needs
Additional Live Footage: François Ouellet
Editing/ Sounddesign: Marcus Overbeck
3D/ Motion Artist: Christian Lettenbauer
Illustration Artwork: Tim Ziegeler
Colorist: Michael Jörg
Spinroad Recording Studios, Lindome
Pustervik, Gothenburg
Factory Workspace, Gothenburg
Covid-19 Stock Video elements by Videezy!, ABN, Jurassic Films
special thanks to:
Akvarieleasing, Gothenburg
Nordic Wellness, Gothenburg
Pedro Ferreira
Melissa Bonny
Catalina Popa Mörk
the people at Factory Workspace, Gothenburg
Pia´s House, Gothenburg
and everyone else helping us to go viral!
Production Company: Overbeck Media/ Filmefahrer Pictures
Now in the light of the screen you hide
Halt like a pawn in a long long line
Going up, going viral
Going up, going viral
Like we live in a world of deception
On an earth that is going under
Like we left all the truth and affection
One turn in the wrong direction
I know we cannot bring the silence back
Now the derelicts have one voice
We're on overload
As the final disease is going viral
Now, in the light of the screen you hide
From the pain that you feel inside
No one cares when we go down
Going up, going viral
Halt, like a pawn in a long, long line
As the virus spreads inside
No one's there when we go down
Going up, going viral
Going up, going viral
We are born to abide from inception
In a world that has lost all wonder
Look around, then you see
It's no doubt that we face extermination
I know we got to take the power back
The authorities have no choice
We are all aboard
When the final disease is going viral
Now, in the light of the screen you hide
From the pain that you feel inside
No one cares when we go down
Going up, going viral
Halt, like a pawn in a long, long line
As the virus spreads inside
No one's there when we go down
Going up, going viral
All the pain you felt inside you
In the light of the screen you hide
Going viral
Now the virus spreads inside you
Like a pawn in a long, long line
Going viral
Halt, like a pawn in a long, long line
As the virus spreads inside
No one's there when we go down
Going up, going viral
Now, in the light of the screen you hide
From the pain that you feel inside
No one cares when we go down
Going up, going viral
Halt, like a pawn in a long, long line
As the virus spreads inside
No one's there when we go down
Going up, going viral
Going up, going viral

Enhance Self Love | Healing Music 528Hz | Positive Energy Cleanse | Ancient Frequency Music

Enhance Self Love | Healing Music 528Hz | Positive Energy Cleanse | Ancient Frequency Music

Enhance Self Love — Healing Music 528Hz — Positive Energy Cleanse — Ancient Frequency Music with Solfeggio Frequency 639Hz (heart chakra cleansing). Peaceful, Empowering and Relaxing music with footage of nature to nurture your mind, body, and soul. Supporting and empowering you on your path of Healing and Awakening.
Music is tuned to 528Hz and contains the 639Hz Solfeggio frequency.
These frequencies have a specific healing effect on your subconscious mind.
❖ Spirit Tribe Online Shop ❖
You can download our music for FREE if you want to.
Or you can literally choose the amount you want to give for it.
❖ Find us on iTunes ❖
❖ Need Music For Your Projects ❖
If you are looking for high-quality Healing Meditation Music with a license to use freely on your business-related projects (YouTube, apps, etc), then you can find that here: www.highermind-royaltyfreemusic.com/?ref=23
❖ Sound Vibration ❖
The most elemental state of vibration is that of sound. Everything has an optimum range of vibration (frequency), and that rate is called resonance. When we are in resonance, we are balanced. Every organ and every cell in our precious body absorbs and emits sound with particular optimum resonate frequency. 432hz and 528hz tuned music creates resonance in our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body.
❖ 639Hz Solfeggio Frequency ❖ corresponds with the heart center; cleansing and balancing the heart chakra. Enhancing our feeling of Self-Worth and Self-Love on a deep level — removing subconscious emotional blocks. This frequency also helps us stay balanced and centered in our relationships with partner, family, and friends. Supporting us in setting healthy boundaries for ourselves, and communicate openly and authentically. Healing and balancing the heart center is essential for us to have a Loving, thriving and healthy relationship with ourselves and others.
❖ 528Hz Music ❖
Resonates inside our body, releases emotional blockages and expands our consciousness. 432Hz allows us to tune into the wisdom of the Universe, Divine Intelligence, and our Soul. It creates Unity instead of separation. It expands our hearts and makes us more compassionate and loving. One thing is for sure. A person who resonates with love have inner peace – and this is the starting point for a world where we live in Unity, Peace and Harmony with each other and Mother Earth.
❖ Spirit Tribe Awakening ❖
We are here to serve you. To Inspire, Uplift and spread Positive Energy with our music. To support you wherever you are on your journey. Co-creating more Peace, Love, and Happiness in your life, and the millions of people connecting with us.
All our music is tuned to 432Hz and 528Hz, and contains Ancient Healing Frequencies; Miracle Tones that Heal, Change and Transform low vibrational energy (negative energy). Letting go of negative thoughts and emotions. Recharging the LIGHT within you. Refueling mind, body, heart and soul with Powerful Positive Energy that aligns you with your Innate Power, Potential and Resources.
When you RAISE YOUR VIBRATION you also help to raise the collective vibration of our beautiful planet and all life on it. You are important. You are important to this planet. You are valuable. You are a beautiful expression of Life. Powerful BEYOND words.
«What you want. Wants you.» — Rumi
From Heart to Heart. From Soul to Soul. Thank You for connecting with us.
❖ ❖ ❖ ❤️❤️❤️❖ ❖ ❖