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Amphi - freedom in water

Amphi — freedom in water

I'm Marek, Founder of Amphi, and I'd like to extend you a warm welcome to the Amphi community.
Wouldn't be nice to have an underwater scooter that gives you a complete freedom, an unobstructed view, that makes you believe that you belong underwater together with other creatures?
As a lifelong outdoor and water sports enthusiast, I share those dreams, and you'll be happy to know that my team and I have spent hundreds of hours working on and testing a creative new solution that addresses all of the above, and more!
Here's a peek at some of the features we have in store for Amphi:
1. Oxygen saving — because you do not have to use your muscles, your oxygen lasts a lot longer, allowing you to stay longer underwater and go further distances
2. Hands-free — explore with your hands, take pictures, handle artifacts, use a metal detector, or a speargun
3. Hybrid propulsion -allows for muscular power and electric thruster to work together and support each other (increased efficiency)
4. Highly maneuverable — flips and turns, and even swimming on your back, side or kneeling — all are no problem; you feel like a sea animal!
See you underwater, Amphinauts!

Meet Moasure® ONE™

Meet Moasure® ONE™

Moasure® ONE™ is the world's first motion-measure — a completely new way to measure. An all-in-one compact tool for measuring in 1D, 2D and 3D, diameter, circumference, angles and levels, Moasure ONE measures in 24 different ways just by moving around. This cutting-edge technology is packed into a device that fits in the palm of your hand.
Moasure ONE is simple to use; just move it from one point to another. It doesn’t matter if there are obstacles like furniture or walls in the way — just walk round them. Measure the length of the room, the house, or even the whole plot just by walking and tapping the device; measure to 300m or more.
Motion measuring is the technology used in rocket guidance systems to keep track of movement in 3D space. Moasure® uses this same technology to take and calculate precise measurements. Using accelerometers, gyros and magnetometers, Moasure® ONE™ plots its three-dimensional position in any space to measure distance, angle, level, and much more.
Some applications of Moasure ONE:
• Measures area and volume of spaces in homes, offices, cargo areas, gardens, etc.
• Measures the dimensions of objects and furniture
• Measures cable runs in one continuous measurement
• Measures incline or slope
• Measures circumference, diameter and radius of circles and arcs
• Measures the length of irregular curves and area of irregular shapes
• Find the right level, distance, and angle for hanging photos or picture frames
Find out more and order your Moasure ONE today — www.moasure.com/one

Подарок с подколом для автомобилиста / ProDIY

Подарок с подколом для автомобилиста / ProDIY

Беспроводные наушники CGPods. Как «яблочные», но с защитой от воды и в ЧЕТЫРЕ раза дешевле – 3 500 руб.: bit.ly/3f4JcCU
Код LEVSHA — скидка 200 р.
0:00 Начало ролика
1:47 Наушники CGPods
3:16 Продолжение ролика
Сегодня я изготовлю подарок для автомобилиста, с небольшим подколом. Для изготовления понадобится токарный станок, фрезерный станок, лазерный маркер и ещё немного инструментов. :) Надеюсь результат вам понравится!
Приятного просмотра!
Подписаться: www.youtube.com/channel/UCQpBYQ0FkiKQju94WX1yveQ?sub_confirmation=1
Приветствую Вас на моём канале «Левша», где я показываю, как изготавливать различные самоделки из дерева, металла и не только. Игрушки, сувениры, сложные и простые механизмы, оригинальные подарки девушкам и парням. Вы также можете предложить свою идею, а я, по возможности, воплощу её в моих самоделках!
Если вы любите самоделки, если вам нравятся оригинальные идеи, вы креативный человек или просто начинающий «самодельщик», тогда этот канал для Вас!
Мой канал: www.youtube.com/channel/UCQpB...
Группа вконтакте: vk.com/club23756609
Паблик Вк: vk.com/veniaminlevsha
Этот канал для порядочных: за мат, оскорбление и «троллинг» — Бан!



Vamos finalmente aprender a fazer o Biombo que criamos para a Sala Bafônica do Fer Escarião! Te explicamos passo a passo.
Links das mini-lasers
Se vc é de Brasília, procure o fio de malhar no Armarinho Karretel.
Deixe os cometários dúvidas, críticas e sugestões, a gente adoooora!
Quer seguir a gente nas redes sociais? Tá fácil! É StudioM4 em todo canto!

LKRS Feather Pleasure with Nancy

Listen to leaked call of Trump bashing Fauci to his staff

Listen to leaked call of Trump bashing Fauci to his staff

President Donald Trump claimed on a campaign call that people are tired of hearing about coronavirus, which has killed more than 215,000 Americans, and criticized Dr. Anthony Fauci as a «disaster» who has been around for «500 years.» #CNN #News